Friday, January 15, 2021

Washing Machine


The parts of the washing machine

All washing machines have the same basic parts: a watertight container called the tub; a drum, which fits inside the tub, to hold the washing; electrically operated valves to allow water into the tub; a heating element to raise the water temperature; an electric motor to turn the drum; a pump to drain the water; and a programmer to control the switching of the various components. Once you understand how the different parts work in the washing process, maintaining and repairing your machine is much easier.


How a programmer works

Washing machine programmer inside

The programmer is the brain of the washing machine: once you choose the desired setting for the types of fabrics in the wash load, the programmer takes over.

Every programme is a permutation of the same factors: the amount of water taken in via the inlet valves (which dictates how far the clothes fall when they drop off the top of the drum—and so how hard they hit the water); the temperature of the water and detergent solution; how long the drum turns for during the wash and spin sequences and how fast it turns.

The programmer also controls the operation of the pump to drain the machine at various points in the wash cycle.


What happens during a wash cycle

Inside of a washing machine

1. Setting the programme controller and switching on the machine activates the door interlock: once the door is shut it cannot be opened until the programme is finished.

2. As soon as the door is locked, the programme begins. The inlet valves are opened, allowing water to flow into the drum. On the way it passes through the detergent tray, collection powder or liquid.

3. The water entering the drum compresses air in a pressure chamber. this pressure is relayed along a flexible pressure tube to a pressure switch, which shifts the inlet valves at the programmed water level.

4. The heating element comes on raising the water temperature to the programmed level, On very hot washes, only the hot inlet valve may open. Thus reduces the time the heating element is on.

5. The motor is started, driving the drum at around 55rpm. This is the best speed for washing clothes: they stick to the drum until the top of a revolution then fall back into the detergent solution.

6. The motor is switched off and the pump turned on to empty dirty water from the tub via a lint filter and the drain hose. After a hot wash, the cold inlet valve may open first to cool fabrics gradually and protect them from damage. 

7. The pump is switched off and the cold valve open to start the rinse cycle. A repeated sequence begins the tub filling to the programmed level, the drum revolving and the water being pumped out.

8. At the end of the final rinse, the spin cycle starts. The motor is switched on, revolving the drum at high speed. At the same time, the pump is switched on to remove the water coming out of the clothes.

9. The motor is switched off. After a delay to allow the drum to stop spinning, the door lock is disengaged. The programme is now finished and the door can be opened.

You can buy washing machine either online or offline store.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Human Brain

Here's something to understand: The human cerebrum is more unpredictable than some other known structure known to man. By and large, this supple mass of fat and protein is comprised of two general sorts of cells—called glia and neurons—and it contains a huge number of each. Neurons are striking for their branch-like projections called axons and dendrites, which accumulate and send electrochemical signs. Various kinds of glial cells give physical insurance to neurons and help keep them, and the mind, sound.

Together, this unpredictable organization of cells offers ascend to each part of our common mankind. We were unable to inhale, play, love, or recollect without the cerebrum.


 Anatomy of the brain

The cerebrum is the biggest aspect of the mind, representing 85 percent of the organ's weight. The unmistakable, profoundly wrinkled external surface is the cerebral cortex. The cerebrum makes the human mind—and consequently people—so imposing. Creatures, for example, elephants, dolphins, and whales really have bigger minds, however people have the most evolved cerebrum. It's stuffed to limit inside our skulls, with profound folds that shrewdly augment the complete surface zone of the cortex. 

The cerebrum has two parts, or sides of the equator, that are additionally isolated into four locales, or flaps. The frontal flaps, situated behind the temple, are engaged with discourse, thought, learning, feeling, and development. Behind them are the parietal flaps, which measure tangible data, for example, contact, temperature, and torment. At the back of the cerebrum are the occidental projections, managing vision. Finally, there are the fleeting projections, close to the sanctuaries, which are engaged with hearing and memory.

The second-biggest aspect of the mind is the cerebellum, which sits underneath the rear of the cerebrum. It assumes a significant part in planning development, stance, and equalization.


The third-biggest part is the encephalitic, situated in the center of the mind. A complex of structures generally the size of an apricot, its two significant areas are the thalamus and nerve center. The thalamus goes about as a transfer station for approaching nerve driving forces from around the body that are then sent to the proper cerebrum locale for preparing. The nerve center controls hormone emissions from the close by pituitary organ. These hormones administer development and instinctual practices, for example, when another mother begins to lactate. The nerve center is likewise significant for keeping substantial cycles like temperature, yearning, and thirst adjusted.

Situated at the organ's base, the cerebrum stem controls reflexes and essential life capacities, for example, pulse, breathing, and circulatory strain. It additionally directs when you feel sluggish or conscious and associates the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal rope.

The cerebrum is very touchy and sensitive, thus it requires greatest assurance, which is given by the hard bone of the skull and three extreme films called meninges. The spaces between these layers are loaded up with liquid that pads the cerebrum and shields it from being harmed by contact with within the skull.

Blood-mind obstruction

Need more verification that the mind is unprecedented? Look no farther than the blood-cerebrum hindrance. The disclosure of this one of a kind component dates to the nineteenth century, when different investigations uncovered that color, when infused into the circulation system, hued the entirety of the body's organs aside from the mind and spinal line. A similar color, when infused into the spinal liquid, colored just the cerebrum and spinal line.

This drove researchers to discover that the cerebrum has a cunning, defensive layer. Called the blood-mind boundary, it's comprised of extraordinary, firmly bound cells that together capacity as a sort of semi-penetrable door all through a large portion of the organ. It keeps the mind condition protected and stable by forestalling a few poisons, microorganisms, and other hurtful substances from entering the cerebrum through the circulatory system, while at the same time permitting oxygen and imperative supplements to go through.

Health conditions of the brain

Obviously, when a machine as finely adjusted and perplexing as the mind gets harmed or breakdowns, issues emerge. One of every five Americans experiences some type of neurological harm, a wide-extending list that incorporates stroke, epilepsy, and cerebral paralysis, just as dementia.

Alzheimer's sickness, which is portrayed to a limited extent by a slow movement of momentary cognitive decline, bewilderment, and emotional episodes, is the most widely recognized reason for dementia. It is the 6th driving reason for death in the United States, and the quantity of individuals determined to have it is developing. Around the world, nearly 50 million individuals experience the ill effects of Alzheimer's or some type of dementia. While there are a small bunch of medications accessible to relieve Alzheimer's manifestations, there is no fix. Scientists over the globe keep on creating medicines that one
day may stop the sickness' devasting impacts.

Undeniably more normal than neurological issues, nonetheless, are conditions that fall under a general classification called dysfunctional behavior. Lamentably, antagonistic perspectives toward individuals who experience the ill effects of dysfunctional behavior are far reaching. The disgrace joined to psychological instability can make sentiments of disgrace, shame, and dismissal, making numerous individuals endure peacefully. In the United States, where nervousness issues are the most well-known types of psychological instability, just around 40% of victims get treatment. Nervousness issues frequently originate from irregularities in the mind's hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.


Consideration shortfall/hyperactivity issue, or ADHD, is an emotional wellness condition that likewise influences grown-ups yet is undeniably more frequently analyzed in kids. ADHD is described by hyperactivity and a failure to remain centered. While the specific reason for ADHD has not yet been resolved, researchers accept that it might be connected to a few components, among them hereditary qualities or cerebrum injury. Treatment for ADHD may incorporate psychotherapy just as drugs. The last can help by expanding the cerebrum synthetics dopamine and norepinephrine, which are essential to deduction and centering. 

Despondency is another basic emotional well-being condition. It is the main source of inability worldwide and is regularly joined by nervousness. Despondency can be set apart by a variety of side effects, including relentless trouble, peevishness, and changes in craving. Fortunately when all is said in done, uneasiness and wretchedness are exceptionally treatable through different meds—which help the cerebrum utilize certain synthetic substances all the more proficiently—and through types of treatment.

Saturday, September 26, 2020



Venus, the second planet from the sun, is named after the Roman goddess of adoration and magnificence and is the main planet named after a female. Venus may have been named after the most excellent god of the pantheon since it shone the most brilliant among the five planets known to old cosmologists.

In old occasions, Venus was regularly thought to be two distinct stars, the night star and the morning star — that is, the ones that originally showed up at dusk and dawn. In Latin, they were separately known as Vesper and Lucifer. In Christian occasions, Lucifer, or "light-bearer," got known as the name of Satan before his fall. In any case, further perceptions of Venus in the space age show a frightful situation. This makes Venus a troublesome planet to see from very close, since shuttle don't endure long on its surface.


Physical qualities

Venus and Earth are regularly called twins since they are comparative in size, mass, thickness, sythesis and gravity. The size of Venus is just somewhat littler than our home planet, with a mass that is about 80% of Earth's.

The inside of Venus is made of a metallic iron center that is about 2,400 miles (6,000 km) wide. Venus' liquid rough mantle is around 1,200 miles (3,000 km) thick. (By and large.

Venus is the most sweltering planet in the close planetary system. In spite of the fact that Venus isn't the planet nearest to the sun, its thick climate traps heat in a runaway rendition of the nursery impact that warms Earth. Therefore, temperatures on Venus arrive at 880 degrees Fahrenheit (471 degrees Celsius), which is more than sufficiently hot to soften lead. Rocket have endure just a brief time in the wake of arriving on the planet before being decimated. 


Venus southern hemisphere

 The climate on Venus is loathsome also, comprising principally of carbon dioxide with billows of sulfuric corrosive, and just follow measures of water. The environment is heavier than that of some other planet, prompting a surface weight that is more than 90 times that of Earth — like the weight that exists 3,300 feet (1,000 meters) somewhere down in the sea. Extraordinarily, notwithstanding, right off the bat in Venus' history, the planet may have been tenable, as per models from scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

The outside of Venus is amazingly dry. During its advancement, bright beams from the sun vanished water rapidly, keeping the planet in a delayed liquid state. There is no fluid water on its surface today on the grounds that the burning warmth made by its ozone-filled air would make water reduce away.

Around 66% of the Venusian surface is secured by level, smooth fields that are damaged by a large number of volcanoes, some of which are as yet dynamic today, extending from about 0.5 to 150 miles (0.8 to 240 kilometers) wide, with magma streams cutting long, winding channels that are up to in excess of 3,000 miles (5,000 km) long — longer than on some other planet.

Six hilly districts make up around 33% of the Venusian surface. One mountain go, called Maxwell, is around 540 miles (870 km) long and comes to up to somewhere in the range of 7 miles (11.3 km) high, making it the most elevated element on earth.


Venus additionally has various surface highlights that are not normal for anything on Earth. For instance, Venus has coronae, or crowns — ring-like structures that extend from approximately 95 to 1,300 miles (155 to 2100 km) wide. Researchers accept these shaped when hot material underneath the outside layer ascended, distorting the planet's surface. Venus likewise has tesserae, or tiles — brought zones up in which numerous edges and valleys have shaped in various ways.

With conditions on Venus that could be depicted as fiendish, the old name for Venus — Lucifer — appears to fit. Nonetheless, this name didn't convey any mischievous undertones; Lucifer signifies "light-carrier," and when seen from Earth, Venus is more splendid than some other planet or even any star in the night sky due to its exceptionally intelligent mists and its closeness to our planet.

Venus additionally has various surface highlights that are not normal for anything on Earth. For instance, Venus has coronae, or crowns — ring-like structures that run from around 95 to 1,300 miles (155 to 2100 km) wide. Researchers accept these framed when hot material underneath the outside rose up, twisting the planet's surface. Venus likewise has tesserae, or tiles — brought zones up in which numerous edges and valleys have framed in various ways.

With conditions on Venus that could be depicted as diabolical, the old name for Venus — Lucifer — appears to fit. Be that as it may, this name didn't convey any evil implications; Lucifer signifies "light-bearer," and when seen from Earth, Venus is more splendid than some other planet or even any star in the night sky as a result of its profoundly intelligent mists and its closeness to our planet.

Orbital attributes

Venus takes 243 Earth days to pivot on its hub, which is by a long shot the slowest of any of the significant planets. What's more, on account of this slow turn, its metal center can't produce an attractive field like Earth's. The attractive field of Venus is 0.000015 occasions that of Earth's attractive field.

Whenever saw from above, Venus pivots on its hub toward a path that is something contrary to most planets'. That implies on Venus, the sun would seem to ascend in the west and set in the east. On Earth, the sun seems to ascend in the east and set in the west.

The Venusian year — the time it takes to circle the sun — is around 225 Earth days long. Typically, that would imply that days on Venus would be longer than years. Nonetheless, due to Venus' interested retrograde turn, the time starting with one dawn then onto the next is just around 117 Earth days long. The last time we saw Venus travel before the sun was in 2012, and whenever will be in 2117.



Wednesday, September 23, 2020




What is a QR Code?

  • A QR Code, or quick response Code, is a Code that is quickly readable by a cell phone (hence the word “quick” in the name). 
  • Using a combination of spacing as a type of Matrix Barcode (a 2-D Barcode), when a QR Code is scanned, it conveys a wide multitude of information. 
  • QR Codes have a wide range of uses across all types of industries such as retail, marketing, and logistics.

QR Codes vs Barcodes

  • While QR Codes and Barcodes are similar in practice, QR Codes contain more information because they have the ability to hold information both horizontally and vertically. 
  • Barcodes only use horizontal information. 
  • While Barcodes work wonderfully for situations like scanning supermarket items, QR Codes have a much higher capability of transferring information, likely what has made them increasingly popular due to their versatility.
QR code - Wikipedia

Happiness diary album - Barcode: 6932513660256


  1. QR CODE
  5.  FRAME QR

  • QR Codes found even further uses through the development of micro QR Codes, or Codes that small enough to fit on smaller items so they don’t take up space. 
  • However, they do have the limitation that they hold less information than regular QR Codes. 
  • In contrast to the square shape of a typical QR Code, iQR Codes use a rectangular shape. iQR Codes can hold both smaller and larger data amounts than traditional and micro QR Codes due to this shape.


Developed in 2014, FrameQR Codes were developed to allow for more creativity to the look of QR Codes. QR Code Generator offers a wide range of possibilities for this, including the color, shape, type, logo, and much more.

What is a FrameQR?


Monday, January 20, 2020



  • By the nineteenth century, enough evidence had accumulated in favour of atomic hypothesis of matter. In 1897, the experiments on electric discharge through gases carried out by the English physicist J. J. Thomson (1856 – 1940) revealed that atoms of different elements contain negatively charged constituents (electrons) that are identical for all atoms. However, atoms on a whole are electrically neutral. Therefore, an atom must also contain some positive charge to neutralise the negative charge of the electrons. But what is the arrangement of the positive charge and the electrons inside the atom? 
    J.J. Thomson
  • The first model of atom was proposed by J. J. Thomson in 1898. According to this model, the positive charge of the atom is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the atom and the negatively charged electrons are embedded in it like seeds in a watermelon. This model was picturesquely called plum pudding model of the atom. However subsequent studies on atoms, as described in this chapter, showed that the distribution of the electrons and positive charges are very different from that proposed in this model. 
  • We know that condensed matter (solids and liquids) and dense gases at all temperatures emit electromagnetic radiation in which a continuous distribution of several wavelengths is present, though with different intensities. This radiation is considered to be due to oscillations of atoms and molecules, governed by the interaction of each atom or molecule with its neighbours. In contrast, light emitted from rarefied gases heated in a flame, or excited electrically in a glow tube such as the familiar neon sign or mercury vapour light has only certain discrete wavelengths. The spectrum appears as a series of bright lines. In such gases, the average spacing between atoms is large.
  •  Hence, the radiation emitted can be considered due to individual atoms rather than because of interactions between atoms or molecules. 
  • In the early nineteenth century it was also established that each element is associated with a characteristic spectrum of radiation, for example, hydrogen always gives a set of lines with fixed relative position between the lines. This fact suggested an intimate relationship between the internal structure of an atom and the spectrum of radiation emitted by it. In 1885, Johann Jakob Balmer (1825 – 1898) obtained a simple empirical formula which gave the wavelengths of a group of lines emitted by atomic hydrogen. Since hydrogen is simplest of the elements known, we shall consider its spectrum in detail in this chapter. 
  • Ernst Rutherford (1871–1937), a former research student of J. J. Thomson, was engaged in experiments on α-particles emitted by some radioactive elements. In 1906, he proposed a classic experiment of scattering of these α-particles by atoms to investigate the atomic structure. This experiment was later performed around 1911 by Hans Geiger (1882–1945) and Ernst Marsden (1889–1970, who was 20 year-old student and had not yet earned his bachelor’s degree). The details are discussed in Section 12.2. The explanation of the results led to the birth of Rutherford’s planetary model of atom (also called the nuclear model of the atom). According to this the entire positive charge and most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a small volume called the nucleus with electrons revolving around the nucleus just as planets revolve around the sun. 
    rutherford, ernst rutherford, earnest rutherford
  • Rutherford’s nuclear model was a major step towards how we see the atom today. However, it could not explain why atoms emit light of only discrete wavelengths. How could an atom as simple as hydrogen, consisting of a single electron and a single proton, emit a complex spectrum of specific wavelengths? In the classical picture of an atom, the electron revolves round the nucleus much like the way a planet revolves round the sun. However, we shall see that there are some serious difficulties in accepting such a model.
Alpha-particle trajectory
Alpha-particle trajectory
Alpha-particle trajectory
  • The trajectory traced by an α-particle depends on the impact parameter, b of collision. The impact parameter is the perpendicular distance of the initial velocity vector of the α-particle from the centre of the nucleus.
  •  A given beam of α-particles has a distribution of impact parameters b, so that the beam is scattered in various directions with different probabilities . (In a beam, all particles have nearly same kinetic energy.) It is seen that an α-particle close to the nucleus (small impact parameter) suffers large scattering. In case of head-on collision, the impact parameter is minimum and the α-particle rebounds back (θ ≅ π). For a large impact parameter, the α-particle goes nearly undeviated and has a small deflection (θ ≅ 0). 
  • The fact that only a small fraction of the number of incident particles rebound back indicates that the number of α-particles undergoing head on collision is small. This, in turn, implies that the mass of the atom is concentrated in a small volume. Rutherford scattering therefore, is a powerful way to determine an upper limit to the size of the nucleus.
  • As mentioned, each element has a characteristic spectrum of radiation, which it emits. When an atomic gas or vapour is excited at low pressure, usually by passing an electric current through it, the emitted radiation has a spectrum which contains certain specific wavelengths only. 
  • A spectrum of this kind is termed as emission line spectrum and it consists of bright lines on a dark background. The spectrum emitted by atomic hydrogen is shown in Fig. 
  • Study of emission line spectra of a material can therefore serve as a type of “fingerprint” for identification of the gas. When white light passes through a gas and we analyse the transmitted light using a spectrometer we find some dark lines in the spectrum. 
  • These dark lines correspond precisely to those wavelengths which were found in the emission line spectrum of the gas. This is called the absorption spectrum of the material of the gas.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


night vision devices, night vision camera
night vision lens with helmet
·         In the darkness of the night we see nothing, but some animals, like cats, can see in the dark. Scientists have also created a device that we can see around us in the dark. It's called a night vision device. This tool is useful for goldsmiths across the border.
·         Modern night vision devices are not ordinary glasses, but they are a great tool for many part-time cameras. It has to be worn on the eyes. Items up to 5 meters away from this device are visible even when in the dark. This tool has two technologies.
·         Heat waves are released from the body of humans or animals. Infrared rays are the heat waves flowing from the body of an animal or animal standing in the dark. This device is visible to infrared rays. This is called thermal imaging. A man standing in the dark can be seen with this method. It produces a green image.
·         The main part of Night Vision is its image intensifier tube. It converts photons of light into electrons. And the phosphor particles in the tube make up the image. This tool runs through batteries. Night Vision's main lens collects infrared rays and sends them into the tube. In which the green image is seen.
·         This image can also be viewed directly by the eye or by transferring it to a computer monitor. Night Vision was invented 3 years ago. With the addition of improvements, video camera-sized night vision has evolved today. It can be seen in the dark. And pictures can also be provided.



Image result for cathode ray inventor, Karl Braun, Karl Ferdinand Braun
Karl Ferdinand Braun
v Today, TV and computer screens are made of liquid crystal display that is flat and light. It's called LCD. Before it was invented, the cathode of the monitor or TV screen cathode was from the tube. It was heavy and square like a box. But that was the foundation of the invention of monitors and TVs. The cathode ray tube is a solid glass sphere.
v The flat part on one side is called the screen. It has an electric gun on its end. The inside of the screen of the tube contains phosphorus particles. Electron guns carry three rays from the base red, green, and brown. It forms a picture by processing it with phosphor particles. The cathode ray tube was invented by a scientist named Carl Brown. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics along with Marconi for the discovery.
v Carl Ferdinand Brown was born in Fulda, Germany, on June 6th, 6th. After receiving his higher education at the University of Marburg, he received a PhD degree from the University of Berlin. In 740 he joined the University of Strasbourg as a professor.
v Carl Brown invented the cathode ray tube in 7.8, also called the brown tube. The inventor of the radio, Marconi, adopted many of Brown's theories. During World War I, Carl Brown went to America. He was appointed to a German wireless station in New York. He was detained in the United States during the war. After the war, it was established in the United States. He died in the United States on April 7, 865.